Focus: The Big Deal by Psalm Eben

K-Spirit has released the visuals of his new song titled No Rival. ‘No Rival’ is a song that recognizes the mighty works of God. How he raise Lazarus from the dead after 4 days, to how He fad over five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes, how he healed the blind and cleansed the woman with the issue of blood after twelve years of pain.
Of a truth God has NO RIVAL; neither can any be compared to HIM.
Watch below
About K-Spirit:
K Spirit whose name off stage is Kayode Jemisenia is a Recording artist, Song writer, Music minister and Conference speaker, based in the city of Abuja, Nigeria. He began his music career in the early 90’s in the city of Ilorin, also in Nigeria, where he served in various capacities, both as a church choir member, worship leader, and eventually, minister in charge of music. His passion is to see men, women, young, and old, irrespective of their socio cultural background or ethnicity, experience God’s transforming presence in the place of Praise and Worship. K-Spirit is the author of such songs as “Be thou Glorified Oh Lord’’, ‘’My horn shall be Exalted’’, and ‘’Not Asking’ ,a worship single, released in the month of August 2015,and which has since been enjoying a gradually increasing reception amongst believers across the Country and beyond. As a follow up to ‘’Not Asking’’, he recently came out with another project ‘’PRAISE WITHOUT BORDERS’’, an all original, high energy, 12 minutes non-stop medley of Afro-Contemporary Gospel Praise songs. He is happily married to BankeJemisenia, and both serve in the worship team of Family Worship Centre, Abuja, Nigeria. They are blessed with a son and a daughter.
Social media handles:
Mobile: +2348174016040
Whatsapp: +2347067960808
Instagram: @Kspiritmusic
Twitter: @Kspiritmuzik
Facebook: K-spirit
From the stables of the Gospel Award winning artist ” SAGE and Twcrew” comes a new release which marks as the fourth song from their ongoing Project titled ” Worship Devotional Series”.
Tonfe Iyanu produced my The Head of the Church (JESUS CHRIST) via Sanmi matthew for SAGE and Twcrew serves as the fourth Episode from 3rd Series of the Worship Devotional Project.
Tonfe Iyanu means “HE wants to see Signs and Wonders”, hence there is no sign and wonder God as not seen because he is the creator of everything, rather God is more excited to see humanity becomes blessed and also be a blessing to others. This music is delivered by the Holyghost hence you are sure to have an encounter.
Stay Blessed as you listen, Download and Reshare
The Race
So Paul was discussing about running a race, and he encouraged us about doing the needful to actually run to win. The Christian faith is actually in form of a relay race we all get to start the moment we commit our lives to God and end after departing from this planet earth.
“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us”. Hebrews 12: 1
Every athlete ensures he does his usual exercise to keep fit in preparation for a tournament or competition. They do this to ensure they are among those that would eventually win a prize. So he spends months training, denying his body of any excesses that might prevent him from his set goal. He spends time in preparation for a one day event. This was what Paul was trying to talk about.
The race we run, we run for a crown that perish not. In this race, it’s our duty to ensure we let go of everything that might hinder us from receiving that crown, that prize. The prize for eternal life. If we must join the host of witnesses awaiting us then we must be ready to pay the prize of discipline, the prize of studying and building our most holy faith. It’s your responsibility to ensure you run to win. Are you still putting your body under? Run that you might win. Run the race that has been set before you.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire | I Train| I Coach
It’s being awesome sharing my thought with you these past few months. Today would be sharing with you on your identity. At a point God called a meeting in heaven because he wanted to embark on a new project different from what he was doing. It was a project of creating something different from what has been in existence. It was the job to create man, a being in his own image and likeness.
This was a different project ever. Genesis 1: 26 “And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Gen 1: 26-28
So God created us in his image and likeness. Why on earth do you think you are less important, less intelligent? Why do you give in to defeat, poverty, lack and sickness? What has happened to the image of God you carry. You are nothing less in God’s eyes. You were born to dominate, recreate, and subdue the earth. Take charge and stop living a little lower than who you are.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire| I Train| I Coach
“I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit , which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go”. Isaiah 48:17
Joseph is someone I love so much. He knew who he was and He was not ashamed to portray this where ever he found himself. His understanding on his identity, helped him in relating with his brothers and while he was at Potiphar’s house, he behaved himself on the platform of his identity. You are unique and not like any other person. So learn to live with that identity mindset.
David was another man who was ready to show forth his identity. A lot of things around him beckoned on him to change his identity. At a point, King Saul wanted him to put on another image of which he wasn’t to fight Goliath but he understood who he was and he kept to his identity.
You can never become better by ignoring your identity. “The earlier you discover who you are, the more meaningful life will be” Israel Oriaku.
“But you are a Chosen generation a royal Priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light”. 1 Peter 2:9. You are peculiar. Don’t live otherwise. Join me here on Saturday as I share more on identity. Would love to hear from you. Drop a message if this digest has been a blessing to you in any way. God bless.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire | I Train| I Coach
No More Excuses
I sometimes get disappointed when I hear people give excuses for their failures and lapses. Friend it’s high time you get to know that excuses would not only stop you from achieving your goals but also hinder you from those big dreams you have at heart. A big brother of mine, would always say that Excuses would only squeeze you up in life. So please be wise about your decisions and your intentions. If everyone had to give excuses, nothing would ever be achieved.
Some of the spies that went to spy Canaan land, before the land was captured gave a bad report about the land. They gave excuses that they were not strong enough to claim the land and get what God has destined for them. This same people missed out from what God had planned because they didn’t believe the land of Canaan was theirs. The excuses they gave denied them of a better life in the land of Canaan.
Excuse is the currency of a lazy man and you can only buy poverty and unproductiveness with it. Learn to see possibilities beyond the excuses you might have and forge ahead. Nothing is too big to achieve or too small to maximize. Be proactive about your decisions. If you fail to do anything about your dreams, you will wake up continuously to meet unfulfillment. So it’s time to get up and forge ahead. Do what is necessary and stop giving excuses why you can’t do it or get it.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire | I Train| I Coach
Do it differently
It’s a saying that only a fool would keep trying the same thing over and over again without getting any result. You don’t have to stick to one single method to achieve a particular goal or dream. Because your friend or colleague tried it and it worked out for him or her doesn’t mean it will go the same way for you.
Wake up from your dream world into reality. There are different paths to that destination you have in mind. All you need, is the right information. Get hungry for the right information and pay the necessary price for it. Sometimes all we need to arrive at that goal is hunger. If you are really hungry for something, you would go all the way to achieve it.
David used a different method to kill Goliath and he still won the battle, a new method was used to conquer the land of Jericho and victory was the outcome. God decided to use another method to redeem mankind when the first Adam failed by sending Jesus and it was a great success. It’s high time to think differently, act diff
erently and try another method.
So if you have in the past Seven(7) months and few weeks tried achieving something with the same method and you are not getting any result, it’s time to try another method. It’s time to achieve those goals in your heart. Make these 4 months and two weeks count.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire | I Train| I Caoach
Leadership Lifestyle
Myles Munroe quoted in his book “every human has the instinct and capacity for leadership, but most do not have the courage or will to cultivate it” and so they either remain as followers or leaders without a good lifestyle.
The reason why we all complain about the government in Nigeria is because of the lifestyle of most of our so called “leaders”. If they can get it right then every citizen would smile again. The reason why you complain about your boss’s judgement or the organization you work with, is because of poor leadership. Everything rise and falls on this same platform called leadership.
So I will be dwelling on this topic for a very long time, because it’s so important that we understand the importance of leadership and how we all can act towards it. True leaders are distinguished by a unique mental attitude. How do you relate with people around you?
Jesus showed us what it takes to lead a certain group of people as he related with His disciples on daily basis, and the crowd that followed him from one city to another. At a point scriptures tell us that He saw the crowd and realised that they must have been hungry and would be wrong to ask them to go without a meal. So he looked out for meeting their physical need immediately. You would notice that Jesus didn’t just ask his disciples to solve the puzzle of providing food for the crowd as some leaders will do. He ensured that He played his role to providing the food for his disciples and the crowd that was with him.
As leaders we must understand that leadership is not about your title but your ability to take responsibility of those that has been committed in your hands. It’s your duty to care, nurture and provide for their needs. Not only spiritual needs as some of us do but also physical, financial and others as the case may be. Make up your mind to lead right. Leadership is all about attitude.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire| I Train| I Coach
Start small, think Big
Tell me someone who you feel is doing great in business now and I will ask you to check his profile. He wasn’t where he is now, 10 or 30 years ago. So why on earth don’t you want to start with what you have? Why do you think you can’t make it, when you have not taken the first step?
Be courageous, start small and think big. Plan towards your desired dreams and put in the little efforts you can put in. Start something about the idea you have been nursing for years. Think out of the box too. It’s time to get to work.
I see a lot of people complaining of what they have when they can maximize what they have to solve a problem and create a business from it. Every good thing in life started from somewhere. Come to think of it, every mansion you see around you was built by the laying of small blocks in a foundation.
Even God believes, in maximizing the small things He has blessed you with. He told Moses to use his rod (small thing), He used the small boy (David), He inspired David to use 5 stones (small thing), Jesus first teaching was with the priest and high priest(started with a small crowd). Jesus started ministry with only twelve disciples (small people). So what is your excuse friend?
Start small but think and plan big. You don’t have to wait anymore. Start with what you have.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire| I Train| I Coach