
What is Righteousness?

Righteousness is the ability to stand before a holy God without any sense of inferiority, guilt or shame of any kind

Righteousness is the justification of right deeds before God. the character or quality of being right or just Conforming to the revealed will of God. Reading from the Book of Romans 4:2-4 and Verse 4 “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth” .it simply means believing in Christ is Righteousness.

it is important to know that, God alone is excellent in righteousness, perfect in holiness and without any guilt of sin. No wonder in the book of Isaiah 64:6“all our righteousness are as filthy rags” but this statement does not mean we cannot live a righteous life. Already, we have an advocate who stands in the gap for us which is Jesus Christ.

Therefore, believing and Confessing Jesus with faith from your heart simply qualifies you as the Righteousness of God. I Cor 1:30“Christ Jesus … has been made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption”. So Jesus Paid the Price for our Righteousness and All we have to do is to have a right standing with God.


God is a Righteous father John 17:25. Righteousness and judgment are the habitation (foundation) of His throne Psalms 97:2

God ‘s Love is Righteousness Psalms 33:4-5.verse 5 “He loveth righteousness and judgement”

Only God can name the Righteous Isaiah 62:2

God call people in His Righteousness Isaiah 42:6

We can see that Righteousness is God’s agenda for a change of Glory and ever winning victories. no wonder the bible say it is only when we seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness then only we can have access into the Glory, Riches, Honor, power , Favor and Grace of God among all other things God has promise to them that love him and walk as his righteous on this earth…


Bible Study..Proverbs 11

God Bless you and Remain Ever Bless.