Check out your preferred service and make sure you respond to the admin on (hello@triumphantradio.com)
Note that all services above are within 3months, after other charges applies.
Also, every TRblog access is only a promotion on the Triumphantradio platform.
Triumphant Marble Plate Price: #3000 (Naira)
- 100% TRBlog access
- Music upload only on Triumphant Radio music store
Triumphant Bronze Plate Price: #10,000 (Naira)
- 100% TRBlog access
- Radio Interview
- Social media promotion
Triumphant Silver plate: #20,000
- 100% TRBlog access
- Radio Interview
- Social media promotion
- 7 other online platforms extended
Triumphant Gold plate: #30,000
- 100% TRBlog access
- Radio Interview
- Social media promotion
- More online platforms extended
- 3months Radio Airplay
See below for Other Platinum Services… RADIO FREE TO AIR WE ALSO RENDER FULL ARTIST MANAGEMENT SERVICE We have our specialist in every areas of music management. MULTIMEDIA AND GRAPHICS MANAGEMENT Design your Music Release cover – #10,000 Complete Album cover Design (Joel case design, Social media graphics, 5 days countdown) – #30,000 PRINTS AND BRANDS. BILLBOARD PRINTING AND INSTALLATIONS Email: hello@triumphantradio.com
Our management team will see to your music release, events
and also handle how your music will reach some other brands.
EVENT PROGRAMS PRINT (Magazines, fliers…)