Just “Be” with Him

by Joyce Meyer – posted October 01, 2015

And Moses said to the Lord, If Your Presence does not go with me, do not carry us up from here.
– Exodus 33:12, 14, 15

When God called Moses to go to Pharaoh and tell him, “Let My peo¬ple go,” he asked the Lord, “Who am I going to say sent me? Pharaoh is not going to listen to me and set the children of Israel free.” Moses was afraid; he was upset. But God said to him, “My presence will go with you.” I love Moses’ reply: “Okay, but if Your presence is not going to go with us, then don’t send me!”

We need to really understand the awesomeness of God’s presence. Why in the world would we not want to spend time with God? We spend time staring in store windows at the mall; we spend time on the Internet. But most people admit it is hard for them to spend regular time with God. The devil fights us when it comes to spending time with God.

Why not begin dedicating a portion of time for that purpose? Try to be as regular about it as you can. Read the Bible and any other Chris¬tian books that minister to you. Talk freely to God about anything you would talk to a good friend about. Listen to Christian music and wor¬ship; or just sit there and enjoy the silence. If you will do that, you will begin to feel and sense the Presence of the Lord and you will begin to see wonderful changes in yourself and your life.

I guarantee you, there is nothing in life you need more and nothing He would enjoy more than spending time with you.

Love God Today: Take time today to do nothing but sit in God’s presence.